
发布日期:2013-08-02  浏览量:


姓名:吴丽杰        职称/学术职务:副教授

学历:研究生        学位:博士








1、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(2019.1-2021.12),温度相厌氧消化强化长链脂肪酸转化的效能与机理研究(No. 51808373),主持,经费:28万

2、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(2018.1-2020.12),基于纳米纤维膜的多酶级联反应体系对水中多环芳烃降解过程的研究(No. 21707098),参加,经费:25万

3、山西省重点研发计划重点项目(2017.12-2020.11),市政污泥综合处理关键技术开发与示范(No. 201703D111019),参加,经费:270万


1、L. J. Wu, T. Kobayashi, H. Kuramochi, Y. Y. Li, K. Q. Xu, Y. Lv, High loading anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and grease trap waste: determination of the limit and lipid/long chain fatty acid conversion. Chem. Eng. J. 338 (2018) 422-431.

2、L. J. Wu, T. Kobayashi, Y. Y. Li, K. Q. Xu, Y. Lv, Determination and abatement of methanogenic inhibition from oleicand palmitic acids. Int. Biodeter. Biodegr.123 (2017) 10-16.

3、L. J. Wu, A. Higashimori, Y. Qin, T. Hojo, K. Kubota, Y. Y. Li, Upgrading of mesophilic anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge by thermophilic pre-fermentation and recycle: process performance and microbial community analysis. Fuel.169 (2016) 7-14.

4、L. J. Wu, T. Kobayashi, H. Kuramochi, Y. Y. Li, K. Q. Xu, Improved biogas production from food waste by co-digestion with de-oiled grease trap waste. Bioresource Technol. 201 (2016) 237-244.

5、L. J. Wu, A. Higashimori, Y. Qin, T. Hojo, K. Kubota, Y. Y. Li, Comparison of hyper-thermophilic-mesophilic two-stage with single-stage mesophilic anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge: process performance and microbial community analysis. Chem. Eng. J. 290 (2016) 290-301.

6、L. J. Wu, T. Kobayashi, H. Kuramochi, Y. Y. Li, K. Q. Xu, Effects of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and manganese addition on the anaerobic digestion of de-oiled grease trap waste. Arab. J. Sci. Eng.41 (2016) 2417-3427.

7、L. J. Wu, Y. Qin, T. Hojo, Y. Y. Li, Upgrading of anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge by temperature-phased process with recycle. Energy 87 (2015) 381-389.

8、L. J. Wu, T. Kobayashi, Y. Y. Li, K. Q. Xu, Comparison of single-stage and temperature-phased two-stage anaerobic digestion of oily food waste. Energ. Convers. Manage.106 (2015) 1174-1182.

9、L. J. Wu, Y. Qin, T. Hojo, Y. Y. Li, Upgrading of anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge by a hyper-thermophilic-mesophilic temperature-phased process with a recycle system. RSC Adv. 5 (2015) 68531-68541.

10、L. J. Wu, T. Kobayashi, H. Kuramochi, Y. Y. Li, K. Q. Xu, Recovery strategies of inhibition for mesophilic anaerobic sludge treating the de-oiled grease trap waste. Int. Biodeter. Biodegr.104 (2015) 305-323.

版权所有:太原理工大学省部共建煤基能源清洁高效利用国家重点实验室  版权声明:未经许可不得复制和建立镜像 Copyright 2019
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