发布日期:2019-04-02 浏览量:次
姓名:吴旭 职称/学术职务:教授
学历:研究生 学位:工学博士
E-mail: wuxu@tyut.edu.cn
吴旭,男,1980年生,博士、教授,化学化工学院副院长,国家级线上一流本科课程负责人,全国青年教师教学竞赛获奖者,山西省教学名师,山西省“五一劳动奖章”、山西“青年五四奖章”获得者。主要聚焦大气污染控制化学开展科研工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金等项目10余项,在Journal of Catalysis、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces等高水平SCI学术刊物上发表论文60余篇,授权中国发明专利15件,出版学术专著1部。曾获山西省本科院校青年教师教学竞赛应用组第一名,山西省“优秀研究生学位论文”指导教师等荣誉。兼任全国醇醚燃料标准化技术委员会委员,SCI期刊Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology客座编辑,《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委,国家自然科学基金、国家一流本科课程通讯评审专家。
1、国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020.01-2023.12),水滑石衍生碳载高分散铜基氧化物的构筑及其低温SCR活性提升与抗硫性能强化研究(No. 51978436),主持,经费:60万
2、中国博士后科学基金(2020.06-2021.12),铜基类水滑石@碳材料的设计组装及其衍生催化剂低温SCR脱硝性能研究(No. 2020M670706),主持,经费:8万
1、X. Wu*, H. Meng, Y. L. Du, J. N. Liu, B. H. Hou, X. M. Xie, Insight into Cu2O/CuO collaboration in the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3: Enhanced activity and synergistic mechanism. J. Catal. 384 (2020) 72-84.
2、X.Wu*, H. Meng, Y. L. Du, J. N, Liu, B. H. Hou, X. M. Xie, Fabrication of Highly Dispersed Cu-based Oxides as Desirable NH3-SCR Catalysts via Employing CNTs to Decorate the CuAl Layered Double Hydroxides. ACS appl. Mater. inter.11 (2019) 32917-32927.
3、X. Wu*, L. L. Liu, J. N. Liu, B. H. Hou, Y. L. Du, X. M. Xie, NiMn mixed oxides with enhanced low-temperature deNOx performance: Insight into the coordinated decoration of MnOx by NiO phase via glycine combustion method. Appl. Catal. A-Gen.610(2021) 117918.
4、X. Wu*, Y. L. Feng, Y. L. Du, X. Z. Liu, C. L. Zou, Z. Li, Enhancing DeNOx performance of CoMnAl mixed metal oxides in low-temperature NH3-SCR by optimizing layered double hydroxides (LDHs) precursor template. Appl. Surf. Sci. 467-468 (2019) 802-810.
5、X. Wu*, X. J. Li, Y. L. Du, R. N. Wang, X. M. Guo, B. H. Hou, NOx removal performance optimization of NiMnTi mixed oxide catalysts by tuning the redox capability. ChemCatChem. 11 (2019) 1993-2003.
6、X. Wu*, R. N. Wang, Y. L. Du, C. L. Zou, H. Meng, X. M. Xie, Performance enhancement of NH3-SCR via employing hydrotalcite-like precursor to induce the decoration of NiO by TiO2phase. Mol. Catal. 467 (2019) 150-160.
7、X. Wu*, Y. L. Feng, X. Z. Liu, L. L. Liu, Y. L. Du, Z. Li, Redox & acidity optimizing of LDHs-based CoMnAl mixed oxides for enhancing NH3-SCR performance. Appl. Surf. Sci. 495 (2019) 143513-143525.
8、X. Wu*, R. N. Wang, Y. L. Du, X. J. Li, H. Meng, X. M. Xie, NOx removal by selective catalytic reduction with ammonia over hydrotalcite-derived NiTi mixed oxide. New J. Chem. 43 (2019) 2640-2648.
9、J. N. Liu, X. Wu*, B. H. Hou, Y. L. Du, L. L. Liu, B. S. Yang, NiMn2O4 sphere catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3: Insight into the enhanced activity via solvothermal method. J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 9 (2021) 105152.
10、H. Meng, J. N. Liu, Y. L. Du, B. H. Hou, X. Wu*, X. M. Xie, Novel Cu-based oxides catalyst from one-step carbothermal reduction decomposition method for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3. Catal. Commun.119 (2019)101-105.
1、吴旭等. 一种碳纳米管掺杂铜铝复合金属氧化物脱硝催化剂及其制备方法和应用:中国,201810940161.7[P]. 2021-02-09.
2、吴旭等. 一种基于CoMnAl类水滑石的低温烟气脱硝催化剂的制备方法及应用:中国,201810940632.4[P]. 2021-02-05.
3、吴旭等. 共沉淀一步制备硝酸根插层镍铝类水滑石的方法:中国,201710821940.0[P]. 2019-06-18.
4、吴旭等. 一种制备氯离子插层铜铝类水滑石的方法:中国,201710821937.9[P].2019-07-09.